Companies from SOWE can both contribute to the offshore wind industry and benefit from the energy that is created.
Our region is ready referred to as Norway's green battery. Sira-Kvina Power Company alone accounts for 5 percent of Norway's hydropower production. The wind parks of Lista, Tonstad and Buhei have a total production of 1171 GWh.
From the SOWE municipalities, power cables run to the Netherlands and the Valhalla field in the North Sea. We also accommodate a sizable power-intensive process industry, with Alcoa Lista being the 6th largest aluminium producer in Norway. Eramet Kvinesdal making manganese alloys, and Aludyne Farsud supplying components to reputable car manufactures Jaguar, Porsche and BMW.
The advantages electricity infrastructure makes SOWE the ideal place to bring wind power ashore.
FFS, a maritime transport and logistics company based in Farsund, is already working for the offshore wind industry.