Welcome to SOWE – the southwest Norway

Gateway to offshore wind

Located on the very tip of Norway, SOWE is the natural gateway to offshore wind and other activities in the North Sea.

This is where man settled when the ice withdrew from the continental shelf off the Norwegian coast some 10.000 years ago. Here, ships of traders and fishermen first hit land when travelling northwards.

With its idyllic towns, many beaches and bustling boating scene the region is now a firm favourite among tourists. Regulation of nearby waterfalls has attracted some of the largest power processing companies in the world to establish production in the area.

SOWE includes the municipalities of Farsund, Lyngdal, Flekkefjord, Kvinesdal, Sirdal and Haegebostad. We offer regulated industrial plots close to deep sea ports and with a well-developed infrastructure.

The rapid growing demand for energy in Europe, represent a big challenge for all of us. We want to contribute by establishing the new offshore wind centre in Norway.

Welcome to SOWE!


Airport and proximity to the North Sea

SOWE is considered Norway’s green battery

Foto: Eli Margrethe Uglem

Foto: Eli Margrethe Uglem

SOWE accommodates a sizable power-intensive process industry

SOWE has a wide range of mechanical workshop and suppliers of marine services

The ports

SOWE offer fully regulated industrial plots close to deep sea ports and with a well-developed infrastructure.

SOWE Lundevagen, Farsund
Lundevagen / Farsund


m2 fully regulated
+ option of further 300.000 m2

Close to deep-water quay. The world’s largest seismic port by far. The port is utilized by Alcoa Lista, Aludyne Farsund and Asco. Several mechanical workshops are located nearby. The port is also used for ship lay-up.

SOWE Hausvik, Lyngdal
Hausvik / Lyngdal


m2 fully regulated
+ option of further 300.000 m2

Deep-water quay front with 10-50m depth. New quay front will enable two boats to load at the same time. Land-based fish farms are located on the site.